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4 Factors Judges Commonly Look For In Child Custody Cases

Mar 30, 2022

If you are going through a child custody case, it is important to understand the factors that judges commonly look for. There are many things that judges consider when making their decision, and each case is different. However, there are some common factors that come into play in almost every child custody case. In this blog post, we will discuss four of the most important factors that judges take into account. If you need a child custody lawyer that understands the system on a very deep level, contact The Fairell Firm in Atlanta.

The Child’s Best Interest

The first factor that judges commonly look at is the child’s best interest. This is the most important consideration in any child custody case and most of the other factors that they look at are under this umbrella. Because a divorce can be difficult on children, judges want to do everything they can to limit the stress that a custody battle can place on a child.

How The Child Has Been Treated

Another important factor that judges often consider is whether one parent has been abusive or neglectful towards the child. If there is evidence that one parent has abused or neglected the child, they are much less likely to gain custody of their child.

Who Has Done The Majority Of The Parenting

Another factor that judges often take into account is which parent has been more involved in raising the child. Judges typically prefer to award custody to the parent who has been more involved in the child’s life. This includes things like taking the child to school, doctor’s appointments, and extracurricular activities. By awarding custody to the parent who is already most involved in the child’s life, they are helping to maintain as much of a routine as possible during a potentially chaotic time.

The Stability Of Both Home Environments

Finally, judges often consider the stability of each parent’s home environment. They will look at things like whether each parent has a stable job and a place to live. Judges typically prefer to award custody to the parent who can provide a more stable home environment for the child.

If you are going through a child custody case, it is important to understand the factors that judges are most likely going to use when weighing child custody decisions. An experienced child custody attorney can help you navigate the process and ensure that your rights are protected. At the Fairell Law Firm, our child custody attorneys in Atlanta are among the most experienced in the area. They bring years of experience and a dedication to providing you with the most vigorous representation possible. Contact us today for a consultation about your case.

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